Friday, September 17, 2010

Little Black Wheels arrives into US!

The promo reads: 'One family embarks on a five month road trip. A two year old, a pregnant mother, a dog, a dad and a camper van. This isn't a particularly new concept; surfers have been doing it for years. The bread and butter road trip. No boat charters, internet swell predictions or expensive budgets, just a car, some boards and a plan'. Mick Waters' new film Little Black Wheels will be premiering in the US real soon. I travelled with him, filming in Oz, Japan and Bali. Check the trailer and stoke out.

Monday, September 13, 2010

new board

I get my boards from Stuart Darcy surfboards at Currumbin, Qld. His factory is state of the art, and as far as 'eco-friendly' goes its been voted best in the world, with the only dust particles entering the environment are those that leave the factory on the soles of your thongs. In a time of pop-out boards and (something to do with some parts of industry disregarding enviro issues), Darcy's uncompromising commitment to the environment along with making high quality boards is encouraging. This new quad he gave me goes reeeeeeally fast and it has nothing to do with the fluoro colour bands.
My son Colby took the photos.